Signiant media shuttle
Signiant media shuttle

  • Seamless integration and automation using APIs.
  • Monitor transfer activity, times, and resource usage.
  • Signiant media shuttle verification#

  • Strong cryptography and data integrity verification.
  • Encryption, privacy, and integrity of data.
  • Automatic HTTP fallback in highly restrictive networks.
  • Guaranteed 100% bit-for-bit identical data copy at destination.
  • Automatic resume of partial or failed transfers.
  • Any leading cloud platform regardless of paradigm.
  • Supports large files, large numbers of files, and streaming.
  • Transfer up to 100s of times faster using their FASP protocol.
  • Here are some of the key benefits of choosing IBM Aspera over Media Shuttle. Using their patented data transfer technology, they support deployment on-premise or in any cloud to provide a secure, scalable modern architecture at maximum transfer throughput. Their pricing model is very flexible based on bandwidth, product, amount of data transferred, and number of files being accessed so you can personalize it to your company needs. No matter the file size, transfer distance, or bandwidth, they help companies achieve the fastest possible transfers with predictable delivery times. They enable companies to securely and reliably move big data and large files across on-premise and multi-cloud environments at unrivaled speeds. IBM Aspera produces a variety of streaming video and file transfer tools. Their pricing emphasizes multi-year annual contracts based on subscription or maintenance. Their data transfer acceleration technology provides limited performance gains, and falls back to traditional TCP-based data transfer as needed. Signiant’s Media Shuttle is primarily a Managed File Transfer provider, offering advanced automation, tracking, and regulatory compliance features.

    Signiant media shuttle